Arthur Guinness Fund helps GiveMeTap expand to London

Hey GiveMeTappers, welcome to our 4th helping of News On Tap.

So in our last blog we spoke about our first water project in Nambia and once again we on the road. This time the climate’s not as warm but the cause is just as important. Thanks to a generous award from The Arthur Guinness Fund and UnLtd (Cheers Arthy) GiveMeTap is paving its way into the hearts of Londoners, just in time for the 2012 Olympics, to make water easily accessible to Londoners too.

Check out the YouTube video of me (Edwin) in London below.
We also have an exciting app to help you locate your nearest provider. It’s compatible with the iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch – so give it a go and let us know how you get on. Plus it’s FREE!

I wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to the lovely guys at UnLtd and The Arthur Guinness Fund, and to you for helping us to realise our dream of making our world a fountain. Please help us share our movement of clean drinking water for all by click on the like button below and sharing the post with your friends.

Now that we are expanding in London, where about would you like to see GiveMeTap launch next? Leave us a comment and we’ll see what we can do. Cheers.

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