Happy 3rd Birthday GiveMeTap

Woah, can’t believe that this time last year I was walking in a leg cast recovering from a broken bone. At the same time I was interviewing for our summer internship position, as GiveMeTap was about to undergo a shift in gears. 

A massive thank you to ALL of you who are joining us on our mission to hydrate the world. Because of you chose to drink water from a GiveMeTap bottle, a person that could of died from water borne diseases will now live. I think that is truly amazing! Imagine a world where your simple purchases can help to transform the world. I look forward to building that future with you.

I’d really like to thank our very first person that joined us on this journey. At first I was a crazy student with an desire to hydrate the world. But then Bart was the first person to buy a bottle from our website, which helped to create the movement. Thank you Bart for kicking things off, and thank you all for uniting with us to make water more easily accessible to every human in the world.

Love you all

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