For those of you who have just recently joined the GiveMeTap movement, welcome onboard! We thought we should do a little recap for you to show you how your GiveMeTap bottle can do amazing things:
- Step 1: A shop signs up as a provider
- Step 2: You buy a bottle
- Step 3: You locate your closest provider with our free mobile app
- Step 4: You get a free water refill with your bottle at the provider’s store
Is there a catch do we hear you ask? Nope! Each bottle purchased keeps you hydrated and contributes towards funding sustainable water, sanitation and irrigation projects in Africa, you get to express your love for our beloved Earth by reducing plastic wastage and amazingly, you’re saving money - cha ching!

As a social enterprise, our focus is to help make your lives and the lives of those less fortunate a whole lot better! It’s why we started GiveMeTap and its why we love other social enterprises who join this mission!
One of our previous interns caught the bug of creating a business that matters, and has now started her very own social enterprises called HelpingB. It aims to enable loved ones to stay connected and up-to-date with the progress of a patient. Drop by their website for more information to show them some love :)
Now that you’re done reading, would you like some water?
- The GiveMeTap team x
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