Summertime in Colorado...

As Summer draws to a close, our Intern, Ashley, has shared with us her fun stories of life back home in Colorado. Needless to say we are all very jealous of her travels on the other side of the pond!

Summertime in Colorado is always the BEST, and this year has been no exception. I chose to come back to the US to spend my last ever summer holiday with my family and friends. And since I have arrived, it has been a real whirlwind.


In June, I took a road-trip around the Southwest—stopping in various locations around New Mexico and Colorado. In New Mexico, I visited a Native American pueblo, devoured amazing New Mexican cuisine (similar to Mexican food, but with more blue corn), and spent afternoons browsing art galleries searching for paintings and pottery in Taos and Santa Fe.  In Colorado, we hiked mountains and sand dunes, explored caves, enjoyed a glimpse of the high life in Aspen, and spent a few days looking for wildlife and exploring Rocky Mountain National Park.


When my road trip came to an end, I returned to my summertime reality in Denver: BBQs, picnics, baseball, happy hours (England should really embrace this concept), family gatherings, mountain biking, and working for GiveMeTap.  

As I return to England, and my last summer vacation comes to an end, I can’t help but feel bittersweet. On one hand, I am excited to finish my master’s degree and looking forward to finally becoming a young professional. On the other hand, I have no idea where I will be a year from now, but I can say with sufficient certainty that my days of care-free Colorado summers are over. Oh well, I guess that’s what weekends are for!

Ashley xx

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